Thursday, October 8, 2009

Casio's "Action Love" Challenge. I dare ya!

Casio’s “ActionLove” Challenge

You might have heard the quote: “live like there is no tomorrow”
I like it, but how about something less selfish.

“Love someone as if there is no tomorrow.”

This is a much better way to have a positive life and a sweeter view on life. For the next 48 hours try this challenge and let me know your outcome.

Talk to your friends as if it would be the last time you shared your day with them.
Thank them for being there for you as if “next time” might not come again.
Listen to their words as if it would be their last words to you.

Hug your children as if it would be the last time you held them.
Talk with compassion as if it was the last words they would hear you speak.
Listen to them with full attention as if it was the last time you had interaction.

Kiss your spouse as if it would be the last time you kiss each other.
Talk to each other with kindness as if it was your last words.
Make Love to each other as if you would never have intimacy again.

Your Self:
Think positive thoughts about your self as if you had to write your own obituary
Exercise as if was the last day you had two legs
Give from the heart as if it was your last chance to earn more jewels for your crown.

Ecclesiastes 9:10
Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the grave, where you are going; there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom.

In other words do your best, no matter what you do or say- do your best! Life is to short and unpredictable, we never know when it could be our last moments. We take so many things for granted and it reflects in how we treat each other. Seek to find the courage to try this challenge and love each other as if was your last chance.
Send your outcome to:
Make the next 48 hours something to remember!



Unknown said...

Casio this is right on the mark brother!

For the past few months I have been so self involved with all the business of life, work, work and more work that somehow I have found myself taking for granted the people I care most for in my life, thinking they still know I love them from the last time I told them, when-ever that was.

Today with a modest heart, a choked up throat and fighting back the tears, I reached out!

I called my parents who live two miles away that I haven' seen in over a month (no time) who are gaining in years. Oh the simple joys of life,like hearing the excitement in a mother's voice when she hears yours.

I talked to a couple of dear friends who said they thought I moved away or something,and yet were thrilled to here from me.How sad to let best of friends relationships slip away.

My children will be home soon from school and I have decided to put everything off that is on my "to do list" and made a "not to do list" instead to give them my undivided attention something they haven't seen in a long long time.

I hit my knees and bowed my face and talked to the Lord, Praising Him for this life,His never ending love,understanding, patience with me, and the wonderful people, like you, He has surrounded me with.

... and a peace I haven't felt in years fell upon me..

Casio, brother ...Thank you for your inspiration!

B Blessed...


debbies said...

You are a great coach! Thank-you for the reminder to actively show my love, not just assume that others know it. Debbie